Braised Chicken with Golden Beets and Kale

Braised Chicken with Golden Beets and Kale

April 17, 2014 | 9 Comments

One advantage of a gluten-reduced, whole-food lifestyle, is that as I see people panic and prepare their Passover menus, I remain worry free.  Passover has always been one of the healthiest weeks of my life.  Produce rich, homemade foods for an entire week.  This recipe is one of those that you can make ahead for...

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Vegetarian Lentil Soup

April 9, 2014 | 2 Comments

I get asked for my lentil soup often, and for the longest time I could have sworn I had posted the recipe online, but time and time again, I was thinking of split pea soup, which happens to be delicious, and somewhat similar.  I have been known to mix split peas with lentils if I...

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June 2016 Update:  I want to re-write this post and discover some new favorite cookbooks to fall in love with all over again.  So, here’s to you… which books do YOU think should be in my kitchen?  Tell me all about YOUR favorite cookbooks! I had an awesome chat with Gabe from The Dinner Special...

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Egg Curry

Egg Curry

March 25, 2014 | 5 Comments

For the last six weeks, I feel like I have been running.  There was was NY trip, then the inevitable post-travel catch up, family visited, I bought a minivan, more family visited, our son turned four, and now it’s spring.  I’m sitting on the patio with a glass of wine, and for the first time...

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I’ve been experimenting with braising a lot recently.  I’ve mastered the chicken braised in red wine with golden beets and kale, in fact I have pictures of that dish ready to share with you.  As much as I love chicken, lamb is a rare delicacy in this house so I wanted to try to braise...

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Scotch Eggs with Honey Marmite Aioli

March 10, 2014 | 26 Comments

Three days in New York City.  It sounds like and adventure, and with this being just the fourth time I visited the Big Apple, there’s plenty to do and see.  When I flew out for the Kosher Food and Wine Experience last year, I was excited by all the different places I could eat.  Almost...

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Kosher Minestrone Soup Recipe

Minestrone Soup

March 6, 2014 | 3 Comments

I owe you a blog post about my trip to New York.  It was a three day whirlwind of food, drink and friends and one of the friends that I shared a coffee with was Ronnie Fein, author of Hip Kosher (and a handful of other kosher cook books).  Ronnie and I became friends through...

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Black Forest Coconut Candy

March 3, 2014 | 5 Comments

If you look at my dessert archives you’ll likely realize that I don’t have much of a sweet tooth.  I’d rather enjoy something savory than have a dessert (perhaps that’s why this post was mis-categorized as a dessert!).  I think that is why I am so pleased to share this Black Forrest Coconut Candy recipe...

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