Versatile Blogger Award
I love to cook, no surprises there. Another of my earthly pleasures is blogging, and it’s a pleasure to have been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by fellow foodie, Kitchen-Tested.
No stranger to This American Bite, Kitchen-Tested has previously guest posted with Triple Chocolate Brownies. When given this award, bloggers are asked to do three thing – link back to the blog that gave them the award, list seven things about themselves and finally, give the award to five others. I share this honor with four others: Food Wanderings, Baking Bites, The Spiffy Cookie and Busy in Brooklyn.
- After getting married in 2008, my wife and I honeymooned in Australia for an entire month, flying around the continent every three days
- We have a dairy-free kitchen
- My wife and I have moved every year since we got married in 2008 and are happily settled in the Mid-West
- We live for Friday night dinners, planning the following week’s menus as we load the dishwasher
- My son will be two this month and not a day goes by that he doesn’t bring us joy
- I have lost close to 25lbs this year on Weightwatchers
- Another of my passions is photography and I share some of my images on my other website.
I nominate fellow foodies A Couple Cooks, Healthy Slowcooking, Food is my Friend, Savory Simple and The Sephardic Table.
Note – some of you may be seeing code errors at the foot of this page causing links to my foodie-friends and facebook page are not displaying correctly. I am working on fixing these issues ASAP – thank you for your patience! Come back next week for an awesome cook-book giveaway, or sign up for email notifications to hear when the giveaway goes live!