Welcome to the Kosher Connection, home to a network of kosher food writers. The Kosher Connection is an informal group of creative kosher food bloggers from all around the world, who present a monthly recipe challenge using Kosher ingredients. All kosher bloggers are welcome to participate in the monthly recipe link up. Member resources can be found here.
Busy in Brooklyn
Confident Cook, Hesitant Baker
Couldn’t Be Parve
Dinner in Venice
Food Words & Photos
Joy of Kosher
Kitchen Tested
Kitchen Vignettes
Kosher Foodies
Kosher Spoon
Lil Miss Cakes
May I have That Recipe
This American Bite
Yeah That’s Kosher
Can I join the Kosher Connection?
Kosher food writers can request to join our monthly link up.
Beyond the link ups, we are an intimate group of food writers that stay connected through a closed forum throughout the month. New members can be referred to the group by existing members and are voted on by the group. To find out about participating in the link up, please contact Sarah of Food, Words & Photos.
Please copy this code to add the Kosher Connections badge to the sidebar of your blog, or to the body of your post.
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://thisamericanbite.com/kosher-connection/"><img class=" wp-image-1139 aligncenter" style="border: 1px solid grey;" alt="The Kosher Connection is a group of Kosher Foodies that share ideas, recipes and culinary experiences together. " src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8072/8310958963_72cb3ede1b_o.jpg" width="176" height="193" /></a></p>
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