Ginger Wasabi Cookies and Duck Sauce Potatoes
It’s not often that I cook with “finished ingredients” like a pre-made sauce or can of soup but can I acknowledge that there are many people that appreciate a quick short cut. When I was asked to take part on the Joy of Kosher Gold’s Foods Campaign I didn’t want to consider these products finished. I looked at them as ingredients that could be worked into dishes that pushed the culinary envelope a little. While dreaming of recipes and flavor combinations, two dishes screamed to have more potential than the borscht cobbler or horseradish crusted fish that I discounted. Today I share two recipes with you, Ginger Wasabi Cookies and Duck Sauce Potatoes.
Ginger Wasabi Cookies
I’ll forgive you for being curious as you think about this cookies. Your reaction to the cookie may not be positive but if you think about it, ginger and wasabi are often paired with sushi and the flavors work very well together. Truth be told, there’s a sweetness to the Gold’s Wasabi Sauce too that works very well in a cookie.
I am not one to bake very often and the process differs so much from the laid back approach I take in my kitchen, but with my ingredients laid out and measured, I mixed my wet ingredients in one bowl, followed by the dry in another and dutifully combined them when they were mixed.
Once the wasabi and chocolate chips we added, I formed imperfect circles for a rustic, thick cookie, flattened them with a fork and cooked at 375 for 20 minutes. My wife was watching as I took the first bite of my warm cookies and I simply started to laugh… I was so pleased with how these cookies came out that laughter was only reaction I had. These really work!
You can see the full recipe for these Ginger Wasabi Cookies at Joy of Kosher.
Duck Sauce Potatoes
To be clear, the potatoes and the cookies are not typically served together. This dish is the ultimate shortcut and the result is a lot of fun. This recipe is a complete throw-back to bachelorhood when big meals and dinner parties were thrown together and celebrated in just a moment’s notice.
Duck sauce potatoes are ultimately scaleable, as long as you have enough sauce, and if the hassleback style cut seems like too much work, you can dice the potatoes and pour the sauce over them.
You can see the full recipe for these Duck Sauce Potatoes at Joy of Kosher.